Making Disciples in the Anglican Way.
St. Benedict’s is a parish of the Diocese of the Mid-West in The Reformed Episcopal Church, a growing parish of the REC100 church planting initiative, and a sub-jurisdiction of the Anglican Church in North America.
We are a traditional Anglican parish committed to serving the people of the Lake Ray Hubbard area with the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. We seek to minister to the poor, the broken, the aged, and all those who belong to Christ. We emphasize catechesis (education) and order the spiritual life according to the three-fold pattern of daily prayer, personal devotion, and celebrating Holy Communion on Sunday, the Lord's Day.
A Place to BELONG.
A Faith to BELIEVE…
To BECOME What Jesus Desires.

A Prayer For Our Parish.
ALMIGHTY and everlasting God, we give thee thanks for the purity and strength with which thou didst endow thy servant Benedict; and we pray that by thy grace we may have a like power to hallow and conform our souls and bodies to the purpose of thy most holy will; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.