Women’s Ministry

St. Benedict’s Anglican Church strives to lead women into a flourishing relationship with Christ and to provide a space for the women of our parish to exercise their innate gifts. We honor the gifts given to women by the Holy Spirit for building up the Church and laying the foundations for the future. The flourishing of our parish depends on gifted lay women participating in fruitful ministries in service to the Church, in their own families, and within the larger family of God. These ministries, carried out in partnership with those of men, both lay and ordained, reflect the order of God’s creation and serve to build up the Church both in the present and for the generations to come. Learn More…

2024 Ministry Opportunities

“A THEOLOGY OF THE HOME”: This year's theme and retreat content will focus on a theology of the Christian home as a vital aspect of the sacramental life.

WINE, WOMEN, & PSALMS (see below): Gather for Prayer, formation, and fellowship on the 2nd Tuesday of the month at 7:00 pm.

WOMEN’S BIBLE STUDY [February 15]: Join Fr. Michael on Thursdays from 10:00 am to 11:30 am for a study in 1st and 2nd Corinthians.

LENTEN CONFERENCE [Feb 29 - Mar 2]: The Rev. Dr. Greg Peters will lead a Lenten spiritual retreat centered on the writings of St. William of Thierry’s The Golden Epistle.

WOMEN’S SPRING TEA [Spring]: Mothers, Daughters and Friends. Proceeds go towards the altar ministry of St. Benedict’s Parish.

YOUTH ETIQUETTE DINNER [June 29]: Passing on socially acceptable manners and goodness to the next generation.

WOMEN’S RETREAT [Sept 25-28]: Enjoy a spiritual retreat at the beautiful Subiaco Abbey in Arkansas.

FIELD TRIPS: Various outings are scheduled throughout the year.