Providing for the Ministry of the Parish.
All Things Come of Thee O Lord.
Tithes and Offerings
Three Ways to Offer Your Gift to the Lord
Give Online > Set Up A Recurring or One-Time Donation
In Person Using a Giving Envelope in the Worship Service
Mail A Donation to POBOX 336, Rockwall, Texas 75087
Gifts and Memorials
We Christians are a populus memoriae, the people of memory, because we rehearse and recall the God of our salvation who redeemed us from sin and death in our prayers and liturgies. A sanctified Christian memory brings God’s past redemptive actions into the present, for which we praise our Lord.
Memorial Gifts & Altar Flowers
Memory recalls the past saints, faithful Christians, friends, and family who lived exemplary lives in the faith. Traditionally, Christians offer memorial gifts in memory of those beloved saints who have fallen asleep in the Lord. Parishioners are encouraged to donate towards purchasing altar flowers to adorn a service of Holy Communion offered on behalf of these beloved and deceased Christians. The suggested donation for Altar Flowers is $30. Please include all pertinent information in the note field when making your donation.
There are other special occasions and dates in the year to commemorate. Flowers on the altar of St. Benedict’s Church can fittingly mark the anniversary of a birth, baptism, confirmation, or marriage or be given as an expression of joy and thanksgiving. When flowers are given in thanksgiving or as a memorial, a special prayer is offered, and an announcement is printed in the Sunday bulletin. Anyone may give flowers at St. Benedict’s for any Sunday desired. If more than one gift is received for a Sunday, the additional money is placed in the general Flower Fund. In addition, financial offerings are another wonderful way to remember those in the Lord’s presence. Financial gifts made in Memorium can be given to the general ministry of the parish or specific needs.
Parishioners are invited to donate $1,000 to secure one of seventeen Memorial Trees, newly planted on our beautiful parish acreage in memory of loved ones. In addition, a personally engraved stone will be provided and placed at the foot of the tree for an everlasting memorial to God’s faithfulness in the lives of our beloved Christian friends and family, whom we shall see again when we are raised in glory and reunited with them and the Lord. For information on purchasing a Memorial Tree, email
Memorial Trees
And Joshua said, take you up every man of you a stone upon his shoulder, according unto the number of the tribes of the children of Israel: That this may be a sign among you, that when your children ask their fathers in time to come, saying, What mean ye by these stones? Then ye shall answer them, That the waters of Jordan were cut off before the ark of the covenant of the Lord; when it passed over Jordan, the waters of Jordan were cut off: and these stones shall be for a memorial unto the children of Israel forever (Joshua 4:5-8).
In the fourth chapter of the book of Joshua, God commanded the Israelites to cross the Jordan River, which He stopped miraculously. Joshua leads the twelve tribes to remove boulders from the riverbed, which they erect in the Promised Land called Gilgal. These twelve stones of Jordan were a memorial to God’s love and miraculous assistance.
From the beginning, Christians would lay stones of remembrance, often building churches over the burial places of their fellow saints who died faithfully in the Lord. The practice of placing headstones over a Christian grave derives from this tradition. Ebenezer rocks are stones of remembrance and are a visible representation of God having been with his people and they with him: reminding the living of God’s providential care and mercy in this life and the next.