Welcome to St. Benedict’s Anglican Church.
St. Benedict’s Anglican Church is a gathering of people from all walks of life and denominational backgrounds who meet on Sunday mornings in the Lakeshore neighborhood for the traditional Anglican service of worship and Holy Communion and on Wednesday for Morning and Evening Prayer. A place to belong, a faith to believe, and a way to become what God intends for your life.
Greetings In The Name Of Our Lord Jesus Christ!
The Rev. Michael D. Vinson, Rector
As someone new to our church, or perhaps, new to the Anglican way of Christianity, I would like to thank you for taking time to learn more about St. Benedict’s Anglican Church! St. Benedict’s is an Anglican parish worshipping in Rockwall, Texas. At St. Benedict’s, our aim is to make disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ in the Anglican way: in the way we worship, in our relationships, in our learning, and in the way we engage the world. Listed below are a few steps to assist your journey into sacramental life and worship at St. Benedict’s. May Christ richly bless you on your journey!
Have coffee with the Rector
Learn More About Anglicanism
Enjoy A Sunday Morning At St. Benedict’s
Attend A Newcomers Reception