Training Children In The Way.
Supporting Parents in Raising Children to Know, Love, and Follow Jesus.
Each Sunday, the people of St. Benedict’s gather to worship God in Word and Sacrament: singing hymns, hearing the Scriptures read and preached, and communing with God and one another. We encourage families to worship together, encouraging parents to allow children to participate in the Sunday liturgy as the best way of teaching them how to love, know, and serve God. The nursery is always available during services to change diapers and nurse, and… for little ones still learning to sit quietly in worship.

Christian Formation.
Catechesis is a term for instructing Christians in the doctrines and teachings of the church.
Nursery (Birth - PreKindergarten)
Our safe and clean nursery is staffed during worship and Christian education classes. The little ones will hear a bible story and enjoy a fun Bible-related activity.
St. B’s Kids (Kindergarten - 5th Grade)
St. B’s Kids emphasizes Bible learning as the foundation of all Christian Education. Our trained teachers utilize the God’s Big Story curriculum to help children discover Jesus as the center of God’s great story of salvation in both the Old and New Testaments. Each family is encouraged to obtain a copy of the Bible Story Book for the home and to reinforce each Sunday’s lesson.
St. B’s Youth (6th Grade - 8th Grade)
St. B’s Youth is intended to build a sacramental-biblical worldview by teaching young Christians to think biblically and theologically about what it means to live a Christian life in an ever-changing world. During the course of study, each student completes a three-year cycle in To Be A Christian: An Anglican Catechism and is formed through Bible study, learning Church History, Moral Theology, Patriscts/Church History, Liturgy, and Christian Spirituality. Young adults over the age of 16 are expected to attend and participate in the adult Sunday catechesis classes.
A Safe Place For Children To Grow In Christ.
Protecting Our Children.
As a church, we believe that children's spiritual, emotional, and physical well-being is vital. Our policies ensure that church activities involving children are consistent with the teachings and example of our Lord Jesus Christ and with the Christian tradition of nurturing children. The Child Protection Process ensures the safety and well-being of children and youth by evaluating volunteers and providing clear instructions regarding proper conduct with children. Every adult volunteer who works in any capacity or ministry with children must complete our Child Protection Training and submit to annual background checks. In addition, our nursery volunteers are CPR-trained. View our Child Protection Policy & Procedures.