Cultivating Men of Virtue
St. Benedict's Fellows is a formative community of men (both young and old) committed to maturing as a disciple of Jesus Christ. Emphasis is placed on the following:
BIBLICAL THEOLOGY: Cultivating Deep Theological Reflection
Through biblical and theological studies, fellows grow in understanding and interpreting scripture while gaining a theological framework for family, work, and ministry.
SPIRITUAL FORMATION: Incorporating Vital Christian Practices
Fellows commit to a Rule of Life and participate individually and communally in ancient Christian practices. Together these disciplines aim at personal and communal growth in Christlikeness.
COMMON LIFE: Participating in the Shared Life
Men are encouraged to become members of St. Benedict's Anglican Church, but brothers from other branches of Christ's church are welcome! Fellows eat, pray, and study together as a cohort, all the while seeking to build transformative friendships and genuine community.
VOCATIONAL DISCERNMENT: Discerning Your Unique Calling
Through prayer, mentoring, and spiritual direction, fellows who are sensing a call to vocational ministry (parish ministry, seminary, ordination, etc.), will grow in awareness of their strengths and unique design to discern God's various calls on their lives. Ultimately, the goal is for fellows to love God with all their heart, soul, and mind, and to love their neighbor as themselves. Our aim is not only to grow in knowledge but in the desire to follow Christ more deeply in every aspect of life.