The Unbroken Thread: Discovering the Wisdom of Tradition in an Age of Chaos

By Sohrab Ahmari

2nd & 4th Mondays / 7:00 pm / En Fuego Cigar

“As a young father and a self-proclaimed “radically assimilated immigrant,” opinion editor Sohrab Ahmari realized that when it comes to shaping his young son’s moral fiber, today’s America is woefully lacking. For millennia, the world’s great ethical and religious traditions have taught that true happiness lies in pursuing virtue and accepting limits. But now, unbound from these stubborn traditions, we are free to choose whichever way of life we think is most optimal—or, more often than not, merely the easiest. All that remains are the fickle desires that a wealthy, technologically advanced society is equipped to fulfill. The result is a society riven by deep conflict and individual lives that, for all their apparent freedom, are marked by alienation and stark unhappiness.

In response to this crisis, Ahmari offers twelve questions for us to grapple with—twelve timeless, fundamental queries that challenge our modern certainties. Among them: Is God reasonable? What is freedom for? What do we owe our parents, our bodies, one another? Exploring each question through the lives and ideas of great thinkers, from Saint Augustine to Howard Thurman and from Abraham Joshua Heschel to Andrea Dworkin, Ahmari invites us to examine the hidden assumptions that drive our behavior and, in doing so, to live more humanely in a world that has lost its way.” [Amazon]

The Men’s Theological Think Tank

2nd / 4th Mondays @ En Fuego Cigar

The Men’s Theological Think Tank is a great environment for men to gather around a cigar or pipe to grow in faith and understanding. Every second and fourth Monday evening, men gather at En Fuego Cigars to talk about life and theology and enjoy friendship.

Past Studies

C.S. Lewis Screwtape Letters, The Great Divorce, Mere Christianity, Screwtape Letters, The Weight of Glory, Rod Dreher’s Live Not By Lies, The Benedict Option, 12 Rules for Life, Another 12 Rules, by Jordan Peterson, Francis Schaefer's Mark of a Christian, The Rule of St. Benedict, 12 Ordinary Men by John MacArthur, a 3-week study of The Apostle's Creed, The Consequences of Ideas by RC Sproul, a Summer Theology Forum, and Bonhoeffer’s Life Together.